Wow yes thank you for your thoughts here Olli. Yes you are right I think it would be fantastic if more brands did this! A big opportunity is that Sony could finally release the RX1R III. I think people would definitely jump on that. Also I feel like Fujifilm has paved the way and Nikon has responded with vintage design, I think more camera companies should embrace making their camera bodies feel more vintage and particularity the look too. I don’t think they can ever top Fuji in terms of also their film simulations but I think a lot of people are craving cameras that don’t look like stereotypical A7/R5/z8 form factor. That’s why in some ways the compacts are also intriguing alongside them being so small! I just think companies could go even farther with differentiating them.

Sad to hear about Ricoh GRIII. I had hoped that I would maybe get one in the future

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Thanks Michael. The GRIII issue is a temporary problem as far as I'm aware. I think the idea is that as soon as the backlog reduces, they'll start taking new orders again. I too am considering a GRIIIx, though I tend to buy second-hand rather than new and there seem to be plenty of second-hand copies available in the UK.

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